Many cases of harpest in Västerbotten – the infection control: “Has no good explanation”

It is mainly in Västerbotten’s coastal areas that cases of harpest are confirmed. In August alone, 22 cases have been registered, which is more than usual.

– We have more cases compared to the same period last year, says Maria Marklund, infection control doctor in Region Västerbotten.

Largest spread in late summer and autumn

The spread of harpest is usually at its greatest at the end of summer and during autumn when many people are out in the woods and fields.

– If you are outside and move more in the forest and land, you risk getting infected. The most common way to become infected is via mosquito bites, but people can also become infected through direct contact with an infected animal or by inhaling dust that is contaminated with the urine or feces of sick animals, says Maria Marklund.

The most common symptoms are high fever, headache and swollen lymph nodes, but it can also result in pneumonia. If you have been infected and become ill, you must seek treatment.

“Small infected wounds”

The infectious disease clinic at Norrland University Hospital in Umeå has received many patients recently with suspected or confirmed herpes.

– In the patients we received, the infections mainly appeared as small infected wounds from mosquito bites with swollen lymph nodes or as pneumonia, says Johan Rasmuson, senior physician at the infectious disease clinic and continues:

– If you have been exposed to infection and fall ill with symptoms consistent with herpes, you should seek care as there is effective treatment.
