many accessibility options, here are the details

many accessibility options here are the details

For many years, video games have been striving to make themselves more accessible to everyone, especially to people with disabilities. The upcoming Horizon 2 Forbidden West will feature a host of options to make the experience more accessible and enjoyable too. Sony Interactive Entertainment has dedicated an entire article on his PlayStation Blog to warn us that certain options are also automatically activated as soon as the game is launched. For example, we can change the size, color and background of the subtitles. A classic. It is also known that the game has 5 difficulty levels, or better, adjust the level of damage Aloy inflicts or suffers, for more flexible fights. Guerrilla Games has also thought of people who don’t want to bother with stripping down every enemy they kill, especially machines, by integrating an “Easy Loot” system. the latter makes it possible to automatically recover all the resources still attached to the machine when it is eliminated will be added to its loot, without having to dismantle each part of the machine.

There are also other auto settings that can save time here too, like auto sprint, auto heal (if its energy is not below 50% or less), and auto wingegide (which fires when you fall from a height , once the skill is unlocked). Likewise, the game features climbable areas that are easier to see without activating focus. Regarding the handling and the controls of the game, it will also be possible to configure many options, such as this co-pilot system which allows the use of a second controller with reversed controls. A system set up thanks to fedback from their visually impaired accessibility consultant! There are plenty of other options you can check out right here. Horizon 2: Forbidden West is expected for February 18, 2022 and we can enjoy a new trailer, the one that was made in full CGI.
