Manufactured thermos bombs – prosecuted

Manufactured thermos bombs prosecuted
full screen A 19-year-old was put under scrutiny – and arrested when he was on his way to a suspected bomb deal. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Black powder, thermos packaging and steel bullets – the young Malmö resident had a whole bomb factory at home. Just hours after the police began their wiretapping, they managed to stop a suspected bomb deal by arresting the 19-year-old immediately, Sydsvenskan reports.

At the time of the attack, the man was heading north in a car – with five kilograms of potassium nitrate and one kilogram of sulfur in his luggage. In the man’s home, even more bomb components were found – in total, the contents of the seizure would have been enough for 50 homemade bombs.

It was this summer that the police discovered chats in which the man allegedly revealed plans to sell thermos bombs.

– In his phone there are lots of chats where he talks to people about selling thermoses. And we have chats about them being in Gothenburg and selling thermoses. But we have no proof that anyone bought from them, says chief prosecutor Pär Andersson to the newspaper.

The 19-year-old and a 38-year-old are now charged with preparation for public destruction and gross violation of the Act on Flammable and Explosive Goods.
