Manuel Bompard: elected in the first round in the legislative elections? Towards a clear result

Manuel Bompard elected in the first round in the legislative

Candidate for the legislative elections under the banner of the New Popular Front, Manuel Bompard is in the running in the 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône and his result is clear.

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00:02 – Bompard re-elected in the first round

Manuel Bompard will regain his seat as a member of parliament. Candidate in the 4th constituency of Bouches du Rhône, the spokesperson for La France Insoumise, candidate for the new left-wing alliance of the New Popular Front, is credited with 67% of the votes in the first round of the legislative elections, according to partial results transmitted late in the evening and based on 89% of the count carried out.

06/30/24 – 8:04 p.m. – The New Popular Front with Bompard comes 2nd nationally

Emmanuel Bompard is a candidate for the New Popular Front alliance, which is in 2nd place, well behind the National Rally after the announcement of the first estimates of the first round of the legislative elections. While we will have to wait a little longer to have results in the Bouches du Rhône and more particularly in the 4th constituency where he is a candidate, the results at the national level credit the NFP with 29 to 30% of the votes.

06/30/24 – 7:47 p.m. – A look back at Manuel Bompard’s political career

A graduate of the Grenoble engineering school Ensimag, Manuel Bompard is the director of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s presidential campaigns in 2017 and 2022. In 2017, he tried to be elected as a deputy in Haute-Garonne, but was defeated in the second round by the candidate of La République en Marche. From 2017 to 2019, he was the coordinator of La France insoumise. Second on the LFI list for the 2019 European elections, Manuel Bompard entered the European Parliament with five other rebels. In 2022, in the legislative elections, he was elected in the 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône. In December 2022, he took over the new leadership of La France insoumise, through a process that many party activists criticize for its opacity and lack of democracy. He was finally nominated by the New Popular Front as a candidate for the 2024 legislative elections, still in Bouches-du-Rhône.

06/30/24 – 7:27 p.m. – Bompard’s response to Bardella on taxes

On Wednesday, June 26, on X, Manuel Bompard wanted to explain the tax policy that the New Popular Front wanted to implement, and in particular the income tax scale that has been much talked about in recent days. “If we set 14 brackets for income tax, only income above the amount of each bracket is taxed at the rate of that bracket. No one should therefore give up 90% of their income. It is a basic principle that it is better to master (like how retirement works) before claiming to want to be Prime Minister,” he said, responding to an attack by Jordan Bardella on Europe 1: “Mr. Mélenchon, beyond 400,000 euros, he takes 90% from you.”

06/30/24 – 7:06 p.m. – Bompard promises free schooling “from September” if the NFP wins

Denouncing a media subject when the theme of school came up during the debate on June 25, Manuel Bompard estimated that “the problem at school is that there has been no teachers in front of each class, […] that we have students who have great difficulty accessing school supplies and textbooks.” And to announce: “If you vote on Sunday for the New Popular Front, school will truly be free from September.”

06/30/24 – 7:01 p.m. – Only one hour left before the first results

At 8 p.m., first estimates of the results in the first round of the legislative elections are expected. However, we will still have to wait to obtain the first partial and then complete results, by constituency, particularly in large cities.

06/30/24 – 6:47 p.m. – What about taxes in the program of the New Popular Front defended by Manuel Bompard?

While there are five brackets today, the New Popular Front wants 14. “All those who earn less than 4,000 euros net per month will pay less or the same amount of taxes as today,” he said. he explained, adding that there will be much more taxes “for the 8% and in particular for the 0.1% of the richest” during the debate against Attal and Bardella.

06/30/24 – 6:23 p.m. – Bompard’s tackle on Bardella on pension reform

During the debate on June 25, the Coordinator of La France Insoumise had a slight argument with Jordan Bardella about pensions, a subject that largely took up the speaking time of both debaters. For his part, Manuel Bompard explained that the New Popular Front wants to “repeal the reform” of Emmanuel Macron and “reduce the retirement age to 62”, specifying that the objective is then to bring it back to 60 by 2027.

06/30/24 – 6:05 p.m. – A campaign focused on purchasing power

Asked about purchasing power during the debate with Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal, last Tuesday on the TF1 set, Manuel Bompard was clear: “We no longer want a France where the elderly have to go to Pôle emploi”. In particular, he promised to freeze the price of a basket of basic necessities. In addition, he again called for an increase in the minimum wage to 1,600 euros, deploring “the biggest drop in purchasing power in the last forty years”. “If you increase the minimum wage today, if you increase, as we propose, the civil servants’ index point by 10%, you will trigger a virtuous circle in the French economy”. He also defended a “revival of popular consumption” to inject money “directly into the economy”.

Manuel Bompard was nominated by the New Popular Front as a candidate for the early legislative elections in the 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône. And in this race for the parliamentary seat, the Coordinator of La France Insoumise started with a head start on his competitors in a constituency that he knows like the back of his hand.

As a reminder, during the European elections last June, the RN largely won at the national level with a score of 31%, allowing them to send 30 deputies to the European Parliament. On the other hand, in the 4th constituency of Bouches du Rhône, LFI came in first with more than 41% of the votes, followed by the Socialist Party/Place publique (14%) and the National Rally (13%). And it is precisely in this constituency that the former European deputy Manuel Bompard was running for the early legislative elections scheduled for June 30 and July 7.

Manuel Bompard favorite and leader without surprise

Manuel Bompard was nominated by the New Popular Front (NFP) in a constituency he knows well. Indeed, in 2022, during the last legislative elections, the first round saw LFI crush the competition thanks to the same Manuel Bompard (56%) ahead of Najat Akodad (14%) for the majority. In the second round, the left won very clearly, winning 73% of the votes ahead of the presidential party. Manuel Bompard was therefore a clear favorite in this 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, won over to the cause of the left, in view of the legislative elections two years earlier. A status that he assumed and which led him to a clear victory in the first round.
