The humorist Manu Payet delivered the secrets of his Rougail family sausage, special sauce included!
Originally from Reunion Island, the humorist Manu Payet shared his family recipe from Rougail sausages in the culinary program of François-Régis Gaudry on France Inter. Much more than a simple emblematic dish of Reunionese cuisine, it hides many secret ingredients.
For 4 to 6 people, you will need 6 Creole sausages replaced by Montbéliard sausages, a piece of pork pork that can also be swapped by smoked pork chest, CAP beans or failing it, canned chickpeas, a teaspoon of ground cleama, 6 red onions, a box of 400 grams of tomatoes Crusted, a few strands of fresh thyme, a few bird peppers, a ginger finger, 5 tablespoons of olive oil, coarse salt and pepper.
Ready to put on the deck and roll up your sleeves? Count 45 minutes of preparation and a 60 -minute cooking time. First of all, Manu Payet specifies that if the sausages are smoked, they must be plunged with the bubble in a pot of boiling water for 20 minutes in order to eliminate excess salt.
We start by mince 5 onions and choose to brown a small handful at the bottom of a pan with oil. It then plunges into turmeric and peas (or beans) with the canned juice. The set is simmer over low heat, adding a little water. Meanwhile, Thai rice is cooked.
Make way for cutting meat, a crucial step according to the humorist. We cut the bevel sausages by 1.5 to 2 centimeters thick slices, a technique that Manu Payet learned from his friend Tit Fred, a southern chief of Reunion Island. “When you take the sauce, it comes with” the sausage, while “if the sausage is straight, the sauce slides and falls on your plate”. We do the same with the other piece of meat.
In a casserole dish, you heat a drizzle of oil and immerse the sausages, ensuring that the juices hang well at the bottom. When the pieces are well golden without being burned, we add 4 onions that are left blond, then incorporate the tomato, ginger and bouquet of tied thyme. Simmer until the sauce takes a beautiful copper red shade.

Make way for “Z’oignons sauce”, an essential condiment according to Manu Payet. We start by mince the remaining red onion. In a cup, the bird chili is placed, a spoon of olive oil is plunged into it and the chopped onion. We crush the ginger with a few grains of coarse salt and pepper and immerse a small spoon of this mixture in the cup. We mix everything.
For the dressing of the sausage red, first place a portion of rice on the plate, add over the preparation of the peas and finally the meat on the side for a nice contrast of colors. IIt is also used to deposit the sauce On a small side of the plate.