(Finance) – On the occasion of the Memorial Day of the Fallen of Security Information Serviceswhich occurs on March 22, took place today at Building Dantethe seat of the intelligence, the commemoration ceremony of the fallen of Italian intelligence, to remember and offer a duty tribute to all members of the information bodies that in the course of history, inside and outside the Italian borders, have sacrificed their life for the nation.
The ceremony took place in the presence of family members and the Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Alfredo MantuanDelegated authority for the security of the Republic.
Among others, the representatives of the Government and the Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic (Copasir), the general manager of the Dis Vittorio Rizzithe director of theise John Caravelli and the director of the ISI Brown Valensise.
The Undersecretary of Mantuan, after having laid a laurel wreath to the monument to the fallen, recalled the figures of Vincenzo Li Causikilled in Somalia in 1993, Nicola Calipariwho lost his life in Iraq in 2005, Lorenzo D’Auriawounded to death in Afghanistan in 2007, Pietro Antonio Colazzowho fell to Kabul in 2010, Tiziana Barnobi And Claudio Alonzi victims of the tragedy of Lake Maggiore in 2023.