Manon Aubry’s program: what does LFI offer for the Europeans?

Manon Aubrys program what does LFI offer for the Europeans

Manon Aubry, head of the France Insoumise list in the European elections, presents herself as the candidate of the united left and is campaigning on the Nupes program hoping to attract a large left-wing electorate.

Head of the list of La France insoumise in the European elections, Manon Aubry failed to convince the other left-wing forces to unite to form a common list, heir to Nupes, in order to obtain a maximum of seats in Parliament European. It must be said that the ambition of the rebellious MEP was daring after the implosion of the left alliance definitively buried after the Hamas attack in Israel and the reactions of the rebellious camp which caused controversy.

But even at the head of the rebellious list, Manon Aubry presents herself as the candidate of a united left and “all the orphans of Nupes”. She also plans to “defend the program, the spirit, the strategy of Nupes” on June 9 “because it is the shortest way to build an alternative to the Bardella – Attal duo. And because “There is an emergency in the face of the extreme right which is at the gates of power throughout Europe.”

Manon Aubry’s program in a few points

The LFI program is structured into nine chapters around mainly social issues: agricultural policy, aid to migrants, job creation and the end of austerity and even ecological planning. All aimed, according to the party, at preparing for “post-Macron” Europe by leading “concrete fights against their system”.

The LFI candidate firstly defends a “clear break with liberal Europe” who “remains addicted to free trade, austerity and the commodification of everything” by launching a European public investment plan and rethinking the sharing of wealth to fight poverty, create jobs and serve ecology. This plan will, according to LFI, put an end to social dumping, a practice which aims to reduce the social rights of workers to increase the competitiveness of a company.

On the ecological aspect, Manon Aubry says she wants to “fully implement the Green Deal” and gradually strengthen it to fight against global warming, notably through an overhaul of agricultural policy deemed polluting and aggressive. The rebels want to attack the modes of production, consumption and exchange as well as the lobbies.

The rebel list also plans to tackle the decline of certain rights (abortion, LGBTI) in Europe to guarantee every European citizen the same fundamental rights. On migration issues, LFI wishes to guarantee the right to asylum on European soil.

During the campaign, Manon Aubry and LFI imposed the war in Gaza as a central subject of the European election campaign. Since the attack on October 7, the rebels have expressed their support for the Palestinian cause and are sometimes accused of anti-Semitism by other political forces. They say they want to put a stop to the export of arms and cooperation agreements with certain states at war.

Manon Aubry’s profession of faith

Candidates for the European elections summarize the main measures of their program in professions of faith which are sent to voters throughout France with the European elections. Manon Aubry repeats that she is the only candidate to carry the Nupes program on which all the left-wing forces agreed in time and lists the first 10 battles she intends to lead in the European Parliament: lower prices by bringing to heel multinationals”, “exit free trade agreements”, “tax superprofits and create a European wealth tax”, “refuse pesticides and guarantee minimum prices for farmers” or even “impose a ceasefire in Gaza and build peace in Ukraine.

Manon Aubry’s profession of faith is available in full on the Ministry of the Interior website. The program is informed on the website of La France insoumise.
