Maneuver, work and pensions: the 4 days of mobilization promoted by the CGIL start tomorrow

Maneuver work and pensions the 4 days of mobilization promoted

(Finance) – Starting tomorrow at demonstrations called by CGIL to protest against the move. The mobilizations will end on Friday 16 December. The workers’ organization will take to the streets to demand the government raise wages by detaxing increases in national contracts, bringing the decontribution to 5% for wages up to 35,000 euros to recover at least one month’s salary, and introducing an automatic mechanism for indexing deductions to inflation (so-called recovery of the fiscal drag).

It is also requested to grant protection to all forms of work, assigning a general value to the CCNLs, thus sanctioning also a wage minimum And universal normative rights. The union are also asking to eliminate the forms of work precarious for a single job placement contract with training content.

We also take to the streets for one reform tax that respects the principle of progressiveness and the taxation of extra profits that generates resources for an extraordinary contribution of solidarity. CGIL also points to the revaluation of pensions, to resources for the right to education and for the healthcare who has faced and is facing the dramatic effects of the pandemic and to cancel the Fornero law to introduce the flexible exit from work starting from the age of 62, the recognition of the different burdens of work, the guarantee pension for young people and for those with discontinuous and “poor” careers, the recognition of care work, the recognition of gender differences, the exit with 41 years of contributions.

For the CGIL, “in line with the unitary platforms, the following are necessary: reforms true, inspired by the criteria of solidarity and social justice, based on the quality and stability of work, on safety in the workplace and on new industrial and energy policies capable of proposing a future for the country, on digital transformation and green reconversion, on a stronger and more qualified welfare state”.
