Maneuver, the measures on the table: from cutting the tax wedge to zeroing VAT on bread, pasta and milk

DEF Thursday in CdM for approval

(Finance) – It ended around 9pm meeting between the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, and the majority parties to discuss the measures of the next budget law. In addition to the group leaders of the Brothers of Italy in the Senate and in the Chamber, Lucio Malan and Tommaso Foti, those of Forza Italia Licia Ronzulli and Alessandro Cattaneo, and the group leaders of the Lega in the Senate Massimiliano Romeo and Riccardo Molinari in the Chamber, he took Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti is also leaving, along with the two Deputy Prime Ministers Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini.

“It was an interlocutory meeting, I represented a framework of prudence and I am confident that the political forces with responsibility will support this approach” he explains Giorgetti in a note at the end of the meeting at Palazzo Chigi on the manoeuvre. The minister does not say too much about the individual measures but assures that he “is very determined to keep the bar straight” with some priorities: “in this phase, support the weakest groups and companies that have to deal with the energy crisis”. Among the priorities indicated by Giorgetti is also “bringing the tax wedge to 3%”. Other points include greater support for families and birth rates and the increase in the current tax credit thresholds from 30 to 35 percent.

VAT RESET ON BREAD, PASTA AND MILK – Among the measures that could come into play is a reduction or zeroing for one year of VAT on bread, pasta and milk and VAT reduced to 5% on products for children and women’s intimate hygiene, i.e. sanitary towels.

PENSIONS GOES TOWARDS “QUOTA 103” – For the pensions in maneuver we are moving towards ‘quota 103’ (62 years of age and 41 of contributions). There would also be an extension of the Social Bee and of the Women’s Option.

HYPOTHESIS TAX FOR HOME DELIVERIES – Among the hypotheses which would have been discussed during the majority summit on the maneuver there would also be that of a tax on home deliveries to encourage proximity trade.

FAMILY MEASURES – About a billion for measures in favor of the family.

FLAT TAXES – The ceiling for the single rate applied to self-employed persons and VAT numbers will rise from the current 65,000 to 85,000 euros.

FOLDERS UNDER 1000 EURO, EXCERPT OR REDUCED AMOUNT – Complete removal of folders under one thousand euros or a reduced payment without penalties. This would be the orientation that emerged during the government summit on the manoeuvre. During the meeting the intention of a “very generous” gesture on this front was highlighted, also because – it is explained – it would be much more expensive to collect them. For folders over a thousand, the path identified would instead be that of a reduction of penalties and interest to 5% and an installment payment over five years.

DEAR BILLS – Of the maneuver of 30 billion, about 21 billion will have to go to the fight against high bills.
