Maneuver sees the finish line: the timing

Takeover bid Zoppini it is essential to ensure certainty about

(Finance) – Expected tomorrow, Wednesday 28 December, the definitive go-ahead for the manoeuvre from the Senate Hall – with confidence – around 8 pm. The Minister for Relations with Parliament told reporters, Luca Ciriani, at the end of the group leaders’ conference.

The timetable for work on the maneuver will be voted on by the Assembly tomorrow at 10 and the Government, Ciriani explains, will raise the question of confidence in the afternoon. “The calendar guarantees the opposition more time availability to those of the majority. I am satisfied, space is guaranteed for the minority and the right of the majority to close on time”, he adds

Meanwhile, sled at 16lthe Senate Budget Commission called to give its opinion to the Presidency for the formal opening of the budget session at Palazzo Madama. According to what is learned, the technical report on the text of the manoeuvre, necessary to formulate the opinion. The commission was convened for 1 pm while the Chamber for the President’s communications on the content of the bill, expected for 2 pm, was postponed to 4.30 pm.

Of the financial maneuver that arrives today in the Senate “I am proud as deputy prime minister and secretary of the League because in a difficult moment it helps millions of Italians in difficulty”. This was stated by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Verdello ring road, in the province of Bergamo.
There new budget law, highlighted Salvini, “increases the minimum pensions for the first time, increases the lowest salaries, increases the flat tax for VAT numbers, stops the Fornero law and puts 20 billion in Italian homes to pay electricity bills and
gas”. Surely “we don’t work miracles – observed Salvini – it is the beginning of a journey, but I am absolutely happy with how this government has started these two months and how it will continue for the next 5 years”.
