Maneuver, MEF transmits text to Palazzo Chigi

CdM approves energy decree 13 billion for families

(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance “sent the budget bill to the Presidency of the Council to allow its transmission to Parliament, at the end of the ritual technical operations”. Mef himself announces this underlining that “the text presented is coherent with the principles of responsibility and seriousness announced by the government in respect of the protection of the weakest groups and the maintenance of public accounts”.

Between tonight and this morning we closed the Budget Law, I slept a little less because the moment is complicated”, said the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvinispeaking at the annual meeting of Confitarma.

In line with the latest draft dated 26 Octoberthe measures to speed up the electronic seizure of current accounts for the collection of unpaid tax bills are skipped. The rules for speeding up the seizure are replaced by the possibility for the collection agent to “make use, before starting the compulsory recovery action, of telematic methods of application cooperation and IT tools, for the acquisition of all the information necessary for the aforementioned purpose, by anyone held”. The methods of access to this information, the measure continues, “are defined with one or more decrees of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in compliance with the Statute of taxpayers’ rights” also having consulted the Guarantor for the protection of personal data “to the purposes of adopting suitable guarantee measures to protect the rights and freedoms of the interested parties”. The increase in the tax rate on the coupons has been confirmed short-term rentals from 21% to 26%.

Also skip quota 104 to access early retirement. For 2024, quota 103 remains in force, i.e. 41 years of contributions and 62 years of age, but with a restriction on the economic treatment which will be calculated exclusively with the contributory system until the requirements for the old-age pension are reached and in any case cannot exceed four times the minimum salary, i.e. approximately 2,240 euros gross per month. There is also news for the exit window for private sector workers, with the extension of a further month. Seven months must pass from the moment the requirements are met to retire, while previous drafts provided for six months and currently 3 months are required. For public employees, the nine-month exit window already foreseen in the drafts circulated in recent days remains confirmed. It is currently 6 months.

The budget law drawn up by the government is “responsible, pragmatic but determined in terms of reforms”, underlined today the Minister for Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso speaking in connection with the international conference “International scenarios and prospects for businesses” in Turin. Urso stated that this year’s economic maneuver was carried out “in a particularly heavy international and equally heavy national context as regards public finances, if we refer to the consequences on public finances of the 110% bonus and the growth in the interest rate”
