Maneuver, majority meeting tomorrow: petrol bonus hypothesis

Maneuver majority meeting tomorrow petrol bonus hypothesis

(Finance) – It is scheduled for tomorrow majority summit in view of maneuver. The possibility of one is still on the table fuel bonuses, especially for lower incomes. In particular, Ansa reports that an interlocution on the measure began in the last cabinet meeting and it is not excluded that the discussion could accelerate in one of the next meetings of the Cabinet. The evaluation at the moment would be focused on identifying the most appropriate tool and the potential audience.

“In our idea the superbonus that we have inherited and are now must serve to guarantee not to those who have the first, second, third, fourth house, to renovate it, but to guarantee those who cannot afford to do the work in the first house to be able to do it. It must protect those who could not afford the work, not those who can afford it and perhaps thus do not pay for it”, declared the undersecretary for the Economy Frederick Brakes on Radio Anch’io commenting on the hypotheses of protection for i incomes bass. “Protection for the lowest incomes means further limiting the application not so much of the superbonus as of the transfer”.

“There is a misunderstanding here, the problem is not the superbonus but the transfer of credits. The bonuses facades it has the exact same problem and indeed if we look at the incidence of fraud it is even worse. The problem is the transfer of credits. If the superbonus credit could only be transferred by those with low incomes, the problem would be solved, only then we also have constitutional constraints”, added Freni.

Meanwhile the unions are preparing to mobilize. “We have also asked the workers for this mandate, to reach the general strike if necessary”, declared the general secretary of the CGIL, Mauritius Landini in an interview in La Stampa, answering a question about the manoeuvre. “Looking at what has been done to date, the issues are not resolved,” she underlined. “We do not exclude anything – she added – we must not go on a general strike to say that we are protesting, the mobilization must try to bring home results, it is no coincidence that we go to the streets on 7 October”.

“The promises made by the Government during the countryside electoral now they are no longer standing”, Landini then attacked. “On pensions, they have no intention of changing anything, we are returning to the worst version of Fornero”.
