Maneuver is law: from flat tax to pensions, the main measures

Takeover bid Zoppini it is essential to ensure certainty about

(Finance) – Final green light for the Senate Chamber at maneuver which, therefore, becomes law in second reading without changes to the text approved by the Chamber of Deputies last week. 107 votes in favour, 69 against and one abstention.

It goes up from 65,000 to 85,000 euros the revenue and compensation threshold that allows self-employed workers to access the flat-rate tax of 15%. Debut for the flat tax in the ‘incremental’ form. For the self-employed who do not adhere to the flat-rate scheme, the flat tax of 15% is applied on income increases calculated with respect to the previous three years. For incomes up to 35,000 euros, the tax wedge is reduced by two percentage points, while for incomes up to 25,000 euros, the wedge is cut by three points.

As for the resources allocated to measures against high energy costs for the first three months of 2023, they are aimed at households and businesses and amount to over 21 billion euros. Confirmed deletion improper bill chargesthe tax credit for the purchase of electricity and natural gas is refinanced until 30 March 2023, which for activities such as bars, restaurants and shops rises from 30% to 35% while for energy-intensive companies and gasivorous it goes from 40% to 45%. Also among the speeches VAT reduced to 5% on natural gas consumption. For the health, agriculture, local authorities and local public transport sectors, ad hoc interventions are envisaged to deal with high energy costs and ensure the continuation of services.

Increase the audience of recipients dethe social bonus in the electricity sectoroe in the gas one. The Isee threshold for accessing the bonus by economically disadvantaged people rises from 12,000 to 15,000 euros.

It starts for 2023 ‘quota 103’ which allows you to retire with 41 years of contributions and 62 years of age. Those who decide to remain in service can choose not to have the payment of social security contributions which therefore remain in the paycheck. Treatments for the over 75s go up to 600 euros. But it is a ‘transitional increase’ that applies only for 2023. There are around 5.5 million stakeholders and the cost of the intervention amounts to 270 million euros. Confirmed the full revaluation for the lowest pensions, for the others, the percentage adjustment decreases as the amount increases. Those between 4 and 5 times the minimum (about 2,600 euros gross per month) will have an automatic adjustment of 85% instead of 80% for the period 2023-2024. Those between 5 and 6 times the minimum pass from 55% to 53%, the treatments between 6 and 8 times the minimum from 50% to 47%, while for the highest treatments, higher than 10 times the minimum, the adjustment is reduces from 35% to 32%.

Fiscal truceand – the various measures allow taxpayers to close the ‘accounts’ opened with the tax authorities in an easier way. The interventions provide for the amnesty of formal irregularities on tax returns, a special form of repentance, the facilitated definition of assessment documents, facilitated conciliation, the regularization of payments, the automatic cancellation of tax returns under 1,000 euros (with the exception of fines for which the Municipality decides), the scrapping of folders. In principle, the tax is paid in full and the ‘discount’ concerns penalties and interest, apart from the automatic cancellation under 1000 euros decided because, explains the government, the collection costs would be greater than the collections.

Chapter Citizenship income: in 2023 it will be paid to recipients able to work for seven months instead of eight with the further tightening leading to an increase in savings which rise from 743 million euros to 958 million euros. Meanwhile, in the interview given to la Repubblica, the undersecretary Federico Freni announces that “the fair offer for the Citizenship Income remains”. “That on Income must be an overall reflection: the distorting effect it has had on the labor market cannot be ignored, but this does not mean that a witch hunt is necessary. The best balance will be that which, avoiding unnecessary and dangerous discrimination social networks, will make it possible to minimize the negative effects”, he comments. As for next year, “many challenges await us”, Freni points out.

Increase from 6,000 to 8,000 euros for the tax relief for private employers who in 2023 citizens’ income recipients are hired on a permanent basis.

Debut for the food incomean experimental fund to be disbursed “to subjects in conditions of absolute poverty”, “food parcels made with unsold food distribution, to be booked through an application and collected at one of the distribution centers or received in the case of fragile categories”.
