Maneuver, Government sees and opposition and majority on works method

The Council of Ministers is underway Nadef figures are awaited

(Finance) – The works of the House Budget Committee on theexamination of the amendments to the manoeuvre. The afternoon session, convened for 4 pm, and immediately suspended for a presidential office, resumed two hours later. Meanwhile the government, represented by Federico Freni, Undersecretary for the Economy, he met first with the opposition and then with the majority, with the aim of establishing a fluid method of proceeding with the Commission’s work on the manoeuvre.

Waiting for government change proposals announced, which should however arrive tomorrow, the oppositions are asking the government for information on the details. According to what is learned from parliamentary sources, the government and the majority are waiting for the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, you come back from Brussels to make a political synthesis on the changes to the budget bill and on the amendments of the majority. To facilitate work in the Commission and speed up times – according to what has been reported – the opposition would ask to be informed about the government’s amendments before the formal presentation. Otherwise, if the government were to present the amendments without prior information to the opposition groups, then the times for discussion would necessarily lengthen.

“This maxi-amendment from the Government will have to arrive by Friday, I think no later than 6 pm, it will then be signed by us rapporteurs, so let’s say that the maxi-amendment will turn into an amendment by the rapporteurs, at which point we will open up the possibility of sub-amendments by the opposition for give way within the day, by 2 pm on Saturday, to then begin what will be the actual voting. These are more or less the times – he said in the morning Roberto Pella, deputy of Forza Italia and rapporteur of the maneuver –. After that, surely Sunday afternoon, Sunday night and Monday morning we should complete the work in the Commission, because in any case no later than the very early afternoon between 12 and 14, the president of the Budget Commission will have to give a mandate to the rapporteurs to conclude, also because otherwise it becomes impossible go to the Chamber the next day”.

“Even if times are tight, the ministries are working together in these hours to evaluate whether to accompany these provisions with fiscal peace”, explained to Ansa the Deputy Minister of Justice, Francesco Paolo Sisto, speaking of the possibility that the fiscal peace is accompanied by a sort of extinguishing cause for remedial conduct for the formal crimes linked to the fiscal peace and the manoeuvre. Forms of crime such as false billing or the use of non-existent bills would be excluded. But for example, the possibility of considering crimes such as omitted declaration or even unfaithful declaration is evaluated. A hypothesis, that of Deputy Minister Sisto to bring measures on tax crimes into play, which has created tension in the commission in the Chamber.

“A deputy minister of justice, Francesco Paolo Sisto, who outside the Budget commission says that the government is working on a clean slate on tax crimes; an undersecretary, Federico Freni, who in the same commission declassifies those statements from simple worthless news agencies. One has to be simply astounded.The government – ​​they write in a note the M5S members of the House Budget Committee – immediately clarify what it is trying to water down within the budget law. After the monstrosity of the law on the increase in the cash limit, moreover at the moment of Qatargate, another, deadly chapter seems to be added. For us, any cleanup on the hypothesis of false billing, non-existent invoices, omitted declarations or unfaithful declarations is simply unacceptable. In the Budget Committee we are witnessing a continuation of work that is nothing short of lunar, with government officials minimizing official statements by their own colleagues. We are at the farce.”

Between hypothesis on the table – as announced by Skin – “the lowering of the threshold to 30 euros for the use of the Pos” remains “the hypothesis of basic income for those who can be employed for 7 months instead of 8”. A measure, the latter, which – Pella explained – “could be very probable because this would allow for the release of additional resources for about 200 million which obviously would be added to those of the maneuver and to those which are also available to Parliament”. Among the proposals in search of funds also the one “arrived from the CISL” of the full revaluation of pensions from 4 to 5 times the minimum.
