Maneuver, Giorgetti: birth rate and wages remain priorities

MES Giorgetti is still stalling on ratification

(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetticonfirmed that one of the government’s priorities remains support for birth rate And wages. “Scenario zero, i.e. doing nothing, would mean heading straight towards disaster”, declared the minister in connection with the general assembly of Federmeccanica in Naples. “With the current data on births there is no future for the social security system but not even for the productive one and even in this case putting those who want to have children in a position to do so is a moral and economic imperative“he added.

“The consolidation path will continue because reducing the debt it is a moral duty towards new generationsas well as the way to free up resources currently destined to pay for growth interests“, explained the minister. “The priorities remain unchanged, first of all the support for wages, and I confirm what was said here a year ago, in a context of limited resources: the first commitment is the reduction of taxation on income from work”, underlined the minister.

“We are committed to confirming the measures in place and implementing them structuralobviously what the government can do for wages will be more effective the faster it is renewal of contracts“, he stated. “For this reason – he added – I will carefully follow the work in progress between Federmeccanica and the unions for the renewal of the national contract, and I trust that in this case too mechanics can have an inspirational and guiding role” .

“The government is working to present the budget law: it will be the first while the new one is in force European economic governance but it will not move away from the cornerstones that have inspired the government’s economic budget policy in these two years”, guaranteed Giorgetti. “Public finance is once again under control and after having inherited the disastrous situation due to the impact of bonuses buildings“he added
