Maneuver: Forza Italia pressing on pensions, income in the sights

Maneuver Forza Italia pressing on pensions income in the sights

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Raising the minimums, Women’s Option, easing the squeeze on 100% indexed checks from 4 to 5 times the minimum: it is in the majority to widen the mesh of the maneuver but the crux of resources always remains decisive, so much so that the hypothesis of a tightening on the citizen’s income arises by canceling the facilitation for the under 40s in the wake of an amendment by the Third Pole.

The government, therefore, continues to weave the fabric of the maneuver and, in the meantime, the question of the tax credits accrued on the Superbonus is resolved with the possibility that the transfers to banks and insurance companies will go from two to three. The fact is that the executive is grappling with various knots, still to be resolved, and the menu of requests is really wide. Starting, precisely, from the front of the pensions. Forza Italia is in no way willing to back down in the battle to raise the minimums. For the Azzurri, the increase in minimum pensions to 600 euros for those aged 75 and over and the “of at least 8 thousand euros” on the hiring of under 35s. And, in the end, it is probable that the Azzurri will manage to win.

But, in the meantime, the government is also working to keep the thread open with the more dialoguing part of the opposition, Action and Iv, as well as on the union front. The interest that, according to what is reported, would have aroused interest in an amendment by the Third Pole that blocks the basic income for the under 40s.

Also coming extension to December 31st for those who have already approved the works by 25 November. But time is running out and the internal confrontation between the majority parties continues. So much so that the centre-right, reunited, manages to break with parliamentary etiquette by not appearing in the commission and incurring an incident that sends the opposition into a rage. The Democratic Party, together with the M5s and the Avs, comes to occupy the presidency in protest. And the majority is forced to apologize.
