Maneuver, CNA: New Sabatini and Transition 4.0 neglected

Mattarella signs the maneuver the POS threshold remains at 60

(Finance) – The budget bill presented by the Government certainly contains significant and important interventions to contain the effects of high energy costs, but some tools remain at stakewhich can generate not only the maintenance of the competitiveness of the Italian production system, but also a possible further development. This was stated in a note by the President of Cna Industria, Silva Pompili.

“We are referring in particular to the failure to refinance the Nuova Sabatini, which in recent years has represented an important driving force for investments. Compared to about 3.5 billion euros of public contributions, over 45 billion in loans were activated for the purchase of capital goods.

As well as the failure to extend the tax credit for investments in the South, a decisive tool to accompany companies in the South, or even more to the weakening of the Transition Plan 4.0″.
