(Finance) – The Minister of Labour, Marina Cauldronconfirmed that the government’s commitment is to make the cutting the contribution tax wedge in favor of families in favor of workers. “I think I can underline that we are all aware that we are moving within a context in which, I believe, the element that must characterize and will characterize our action once again is a sense of responsibility and prudence”, he stated the minister during his speech via video link to the general assembly of Federmeccanica underway in Naples.
“Although the economic data are good and our economy is growing, we certainly must also take into account the conditions within which we operate and therefore the constraints structural that we also have on the deficit front and the recovery of our deficit. This does not mean that we will not pay attention to what are important choices in the last period, such as those linked to the issue of the purchasing power of salaries and therefore the issue of the reconfirmation of the reduction of cfiscal and contributory union“.
“In this case I can say that thegovernment commitmentwhich will be maintained, is to make the cut in the tax wedge in favor of families structural in favor of workers”, said Calderone.