Maneuver, Brussels’ go-ahead is awaited for the POS obligation ceiling and the flat tax threshold increase

The Council of Ministers is underway Nadef figures are awaited

(Finance) – The government awaits the opinion of the Commission European as regards the thresholds below which businesses are not required to accept payments with payment cards. This is what a note from Palazzo Chigi specified, adding that the outcome of the discussions with Brussels will be taken into account in the continuation of the process of the budget law.

On the other hand, the raising of the threshold has been confirmed flat tax from 65,000 euros to 85,000 euros, starting from the 2023 tax period, but even this increase – as explained in the explanatory report – is subject to the release of a specific measure of derogation by the competent European authorities. This request, presented on 4 November, is currently being examined by the competent European authorities”. In fact, an EU directive already provides for the possibility of raising the ceiling 85,000 euros but only starting from 2025. The Italian government has therefore asked for authorization to anticipate.

The minister Giorgetti in the meantime, he assured that the Government is committed to “directing resources where there is greatest need”. “Since last summer – she stated in his speech at the” Lombardy 2030 “event – ​​there is a high level of uncertainty which seems to spread also in the second half of the year”. “It is not only a characteristic of the Italian economy, but also of the European and global one”, he added. “Despite the difficult moment conjunctural – explained Giorgetti – the budget law also introduces the launch of some programmatic measures that the government intends to implement. The families will be able to count on a series of interventions. This focus on family policy is new.”

The President of the Council, Georgia Melons, has instead entrusted his Facebook page with a comment on the Budget law. “In just over a month since its formation, the Government has already shown all its unity and concreteness, giving serious and detailed answers to the needs of citizens and of Italy. One maneuver economic written and presented in record time, consistent with the commitments made with the Italian people, with large resources destined for families, businesses and the most fragile and struggling categories”, wrote Meloni.

In video connection with the general meeting of Confindustria Veneto East instead, he stated that “one month after taking office, the government has already opened a table with the production categories. We would have liked more time to discuss before the Budget law but it was a race against time, in a very, very short time. We have I had to write this maneuver without renouncing to outline through maneuver one trajectory as clear as possible, giving an indication of the priorities of our action”. “They are interventions that embody a social vision” a vision that this government “shares with the Confindustria“, he added, “the vast majority of resources are intended for reality productive to reiterate a principle that is too often questioned: it cannot exist welfare if upstream there is no one who generates wealth”.
