Maneuver arrives in the Senate: the final vote on Thursday

Mattarella signs the maneuver the POS threshold remains at 60

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The first maneuver by Meloni will be voted on in the Senate on Thursday 29 December. “The conference of group leaders unanimously resolved to proceed tomorrow with the general discussion and to open the session the day after tomorrow at 9 with the explanations of vote, the subsequent vote by roll call and then the final vote”. This was announced by the president of the Senate, Ignazio LaRussa, before suspending the session again. To report the outcome of the group leader of Palazzo Madama also Raffaella Paita, group leader of the Third Pole, on the sidelines of an afternoon full of tension with the oppositions that had occupied the Commissionin the wake of the request to redefine the time frame for examining the budget bill.

“President La Russa reconvene the group leader. It is true that the technical report arrived at the Budget Commission around 5 pm but we need to give adequate time to have a common agenda. We are not obstructing, nor do we want to risk the provisional exercise We only ask to give dignity to the discussion, there would be all day tomorrow and then we could vote on Thursday”, he said Simona Malpezzi, Pd group leader in the Senate, accompanied in the appeal by her counterparts Barbara Floridia and Raffaella Paita, for M5S and Third Polo. “We have imposed a principle that is healthy in a democracy: it takes a reasonable amount of time when you are in opposition and when you are in the majority. You cannot change according to the positions of the moment. Meloni protested because there were too many times tight and now that he is in government he must ensure that there is a linear path”. The parent company of Azione-Italia Viva said it in the Senate, Simona Paitaat the end of the group leaders’ conference.

“Some common sense has returned to a debate that took place in the committee”. Thus the president of the senators dem Simona Malpezzi expresses satisfaction at the end of the conference of group leaders on the timing of the maneuver which decided to postpone the vote of confidence to Thursday. A decision, she added, “which is also important because it restores dignity to the majority. La Russa kept her word”.

Meanwhile, Matteo Salvini says he is “proud as deputy prime minister and secretary of the League of the maneuver because in a difficult moment he helps millions of Italians in difficulty”. This was stated by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Verdello ring road, in the province of Bergamo. The new budget law, highlighted Salvini, “increases minimum pensions for the first time, increases the lowest salaries, increases the flat tax for VAT numbers, stops the Fornero law and puts 20 billion in Italian homes to pay bills of light and

Surely “we don’t work miracles – continued Salvini – it is the beginning of a journey, but I am absolutely happy with how this government has started these two months and how it will continue for the next 5 years”.
