Maneuver, ANAPA against withholding tax on commissions

Maneuver ANAPA against withholding tax on commissions

(Finance) – The rule in Maneuvering on agreed upon on commissions harms insurance agents without bringing any benefit to public coffers. This is what he reports Vincenzo Cirasolapresident of Anapa Rete ImpresAgenziain a meeting with majority and opposition parliamentarians, urging its suppression.

The meetings involved the senators Claudio Borghi of the League and Gaetano Nastri of Fratelli d’Italia, who had already intervened in favor of the category to eliminate the obligation for agents to register with Enasarco. The deputies intervened in Montecitorio Cecilia Guerra of the PD, Ettore Rosato and Giulio Sottanelli of Action-Italia Viva.

In the reading sheets for the Budget Law, the expected income from the withholding tax is estimated at 583 million in 2024 and 778 million in the following three years. But Cirasola says the tax “it won’t bring a cent into the public coffers”because it was founded on one presumption of tax evasion (Irpef and Ires) estimated at 51%. The withholding tax – according to the government – would therefore emerge the submergedresulting in revenues of 19 billion instead of the 9.3 billion declared in 2022, but given that the intermediaries receive commissions from their principals, which are companies listed on the stock exchange or with certified financial statements and payment orders always traced, the estimate of alleged tax evasion would not find any response

According to Cirasola, the norm, rather, is capable of producing significant damage to intermediaries: the measure takes away liquidity from agenciesespecially the smaller ones; worsens the difficult economic moment market; eliminates withholding exemption for insurance agents only, maintaining it instead for the other subjects included in the original law. For these considerations, Anapa hopes that the provision will be expunged from the definitive text of the Budget Law, which Parliament is preparing to approve

(Photo: by rawpixel on Unsplash)
