Manet / Degas, portrait of a tumultuous friendship

Manet Degas portrait of a tumultuous friendship

Through his exhibition Manet/Degas », the Musée Orsay brings together two major painters of the 19th century and looks back on their tormented friendship through their works. It highlights their contrasts, their rivalry, their common points and their complicity.

Manet and Degas is the story of an artistic crossover in the middle of the 19th century. The tumultuous relationship of two painters, born two years apart, whose friendship, tinged with rivalry, did not last. However, to look at them together is to dive into a story of artistic correspondences, of parallelisms in painting.

A history of art. A story of life too, contrasting and deeply exhilarating. Monet was in a striking realism, Degas will be considered as one of the fathers of impressionism. What brings them together? What opposes them? The Musée d’Orsay is organizing an artistic encounter entitled: ” Manet/Degas ». A unique exhibition, which brings together these two masters like never before. Unpublished paintings, restored canvases and unsuspected correspondences.

Isolde Pludermacher, general curator of paintings at the Musée d’Orsay, one of the curators of this sumptuous exhibition, is the guest of VMDN. The exhibition ” Manet/Degas can be visited at the Musée d’Orsay until July 23.

Reporting : Laure Broulard went to see his exhibition A return ” of Consolate Siperius at the National Theater Wallonia Brussels. An intimate and immersive experience in the quest for identity of this Belgian actress of Burundian origin, illegally adopted in Belgium in the 90s.
