Football Manager 2024 has been a hit on Steam for decades. It is valued for its realism and complexity, but now artificial intelligence is revealing a major weakness. By using a trick when negotiating a contract, you can buy even priceless football stars like Erling Haaland almost for free.
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Player is worth 350 million euros, but the AI can be tricked
What’s the problem now?: Players on reddit have found out that you only have to make a very specific, very specific transfer offer to clubs and they even give up world-class players like Erling Haaland who would be unsaleable in real life – unless a sheikh lures you with billions in oil.
The trick is to
In addition, you receive 10% of the next sale.
In reality, such an offer would be absolutely laughable and the team’s manager would gather all the employees together to have a good laugh, which is just what the complete idiot thinks who thinks he is getting a €350 million player for less than 1% of that market value.
In FIFA Manager 2024 the deal will be green and can be done that way.
How do you discuss this on Reddit? People make fun of the fact that you can use this trick to lure even super stars like Mbappe to the provinces, only to then realize that the Frenchman just wants to earn a few million a week.
The exploit is definitely the big topic there and causes a few laughs.
This is what lies behind it: If you do something like that, you can transfer yourself to an Editor Haaland for free. Of course that’s nonsense and it actually kills the fun of the game.
But it would be interesting to see how someone determined the exact terms for this ridiculous deal.
More about Haaland: Football star Haaland said he was too embarrassed by his favorite game: Now we know what it is