Managed savings: outflows also in July but assets rise

Caltagirone profit up 25 in the first half

(Finance) – The asset management industry continued the trend in July of recent months, with negative collections contrasted with the increase in overall assets, thanks to the positive market effect. This is what emerges from the latest monthly report of Assogestioni.

In detail, the net collection was equal to -3.82 billion eurosequivalent to 0.16% of assets under management, while the masses rose to 2,286 billion of euros from 2,277 billion at the end of June, thanks to a performance effect markets quantified in a +0.5%.

The same dynamic is replicated in the solos open-ended funds which, in July, they recorded outflows of 2.9 billion of euros, compared to a increase in assets amount to 1,120 billion euros from 1,114 billion in the previous month, attributable to a market effect of +1%.

Retail customers confirmed theirs constant interest for bond funds which they collected during the month +1.97 billion eurosa figure that represents the amount of subscriptions since the beginning of the year at +13.61 billion of Euro. Trend reversal for products equity (-417 million euros), which is added to the outflows of balanced (-1.31 billion) e flexible (-2.03 billion).

As regards the portfolio managementprovisional data reports outflows of 1.07 billion euros in July. While the retail component remains stable (+481 million euros), that institutional record spills for 1.56 billion of euros, confirming itself as one of the most structurally volatile items.

(Photo: © Veerasak Piyawatanakul)
