Man stabbed in the abdomen in Gothenburg

Man stabbed in the abdomen in Gothenburg

Published: Just now

full screen The damage is serious but stable, according to the police. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A man in his 20s has been stabbed in the abdomen and is seriously injured, reports Göteborgs-Posten.

– We received an alarm about this at 6 p.m. It has occurred in north-east Gothenburg, says Johan Josarp, officer on duty at the police, to TT.

The incident is classified as attempted aggravated robbery. The police are looking for a man in his 30s, but no one has been arrested.

– It is based on what the witnesses have said. The injured person is not heard, says Johan Josarp.

The condition of the injury is said to be serious but stable.

The site is cordoned off for technical examination.
