Man shot in Värmdö

“It was a witness who heard shots and then found a man with a gunshot wound,” says Mats Eriksson, press spokesperson at the police.

The man has been taken by ambulance to hospital, it is unclear how badly injured he is. The incident is being investigated as attempted murder.

The place has been cordoned off and the police have an extensive operation in the area.

— We have a number of resources and work, among other things, to search for one or more perpetrators with dog patrols and safe tracks. We also have technicians on site, says Mats Eriksson.

The police have also set up roadblocks, where two people have been checked and brought in for questioning.

— They are not formally arrested.

TT: Are you investigating this incident as part of the ongoing wave of violence?

“It’s something we’re looking at right now,” says Mats Eriksson.

He does not want to comment on whether the shot man is already known to the police.

The alarm came just after midnight on Wednesday night and no one had been arrested by half past two, according to the police.
