Man shot in Malmö – taken to hospital in an ambulance

A man has been shot in the Lönngården area of ​​Malmö.

– Several people reported that several shots had been fired. We were on the scene quite quickly and then found the plaintiff, says Evelina Olsson, press spokesperson at the police.

An ambulance is also on the scene and the crime scene has been cordoned off. Now they are looking for the perpetrator, but at the moment no one has been arrested.

The man with gunshot wounds is 25 years old and has been taken to hospital.

– We were able to talk to him briefly. It is difficult for us to say the exact extent of the damage, says Olsson.

“A patrol accompanies the hospital to hear the plaintiff,” the authority writes on its website.

Technicians and special search dogs are on their way to the crime scene.

The shooting is classified as attempted murder.
