Man shot by police in Malmö – taken to hospital by ambulance

The incident occurred around seven o’clock on Wednesday.

– When we arrive at the scene, one perpetrator remains and the person lunges at the police, says Fredrik Svedemyr, press officer at the police command center.

In videos from the scene, two shots can be heard being fired.

The man is said to have been taken to hospital in an ambulance with unclear injuries. The police do not want to say what type of weapon was used, nor how many shots were fired from the police.

– I have no information on whether more perpetrators are being sought, says Fredrik Svedemyr.

The site is cordoned off for a technical investigation. The incident is further handled by Special Investigations, which is routine when a police officer uses his service weapon.

This is the second time in just a few days that the police in Malmö have fired their service weapon.
