Man shot by police at refinery at Hisingen in Gothenburg

During the night, a man in his 30s entered a refinery at Hisingen and attacked staff.
Police were forced to fire shots at the man after he lunged with a hammer in hand.
The man is now suspected of several crimes.

Just before midnight, the Gothenburg police were alerted to a refinery at Hisingen where a man in his 30s had climbed over a fence and entered the area. The man had a knife and chased several of the staff at a workshop in the area.

The staff were able to get to safety and call the police.

Pepper spray and live fire

When the police arrived at the scene, the man had got hold of a hammer which he used to break windows. He also lashed out at the police, causing the police to spray the man with pepper spray.

When the pepper spray did not have the desired effect, police fired shots at the man. The man was hit in the leg and had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. He must have been awake and talkative.

None of the staff were injured in connection with the incident.

The police stated during Monday morning that the man remains in hospital. He is suspected of grossly unlawful threat to the public, violation of the Protection Act, violation of the Knife Act, damage and violent resistance.
