Man sews up bite wound on his dog in Västerbotten – sentenced for animal welfare offences

It was during the fall of 2022 that the dog was bitten behind the ear and on the front bow blade. The dog owner, a 55-year-old man, could not find a veterinary station in his home municipality that was open, so he stitched up the wound on the bow leaf himself. He says that he used an anesthetic ointment and that the dog twitched at the stitches, but she did not leave the scene.

A few days later the wound became heavily infected and the dog was then taken to the vet.

Meant suffering

County veterinarian Anneli Grip Hansson participated in the investigation and testified that sewing a wound without knowledge and experience means suffering for the animal. Partly during the procedure itself, partly because the course is prolonged by the wound becoming infected. She also claims that an anesthetic ointment does not produce a strong enough effect.

The prosecutor had initially demanded that the man be sentenced for animal cruelty, but the district court considers that it has not been proven that he acted with intent or gross negligence to cause the dog unnecessary suffering.

Therefore, he is instead sentenced to the prosecutor’s second request, violation of the Animal Welfare Act, to 7,500 kroner in daily fines.
