Do you know the situation when someone wants to try out your latest game “just for a moment” and then they just won’t stop playing? This is exactly what happened to a man who showed Diablo 4 to his wife. She’s so excited now that he’s afraid he won’t be able to get to his PC anytime soon.
What happened? A woman watched her husband play Diablo 4. Normally she’s more of a casual gamer, having only had experience playing Hogwarts Legacy and similar games, but somehow she was fascinated by the demon slaying while watching.
So he leaves his wife at his PC and returns after a while. In the meantime she has already made it to the first boss and even defeated him with a satisfied “Hehh”.
The man shares his experiences on Reddit:
How did the story end? The husband feared that his wife would never get away from the PC. Maybe he didn’t expect her to be so immersed in the game and excited about it.
After more than an hour, she was still sitting spellbound in front of the PC. An hour turned into two hours. But at some point she had to quit the game too and told her husband how great she thought the game was.
As he was going to bed, the husband wanted to explain to his wife how she could set up her own account in Diablo 4 so that she could discover the adventure for herself. But he had miscalculated: She made it clear to him that ER now had to get a new account because she would definitely not start from scratch.
Maybe the man is still allowed to lock the cellar for his wife from time to time:
Diablo 4: That’s why you should look into every basement
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What do other users say about the story? In the comments, some users advise him to buy a Steam Deck. However, not for his wife, but much more for himself, because the users assume that the PC has now migrated into their possession.
User Necronomis advises that he should put his wife’s own PC together right away. Whether it’s a PC, laptop or handheld, he’s optimistic the man has now found a lasting gaming companion in his wife.
Alternatively, there would be the option for the two to play in couch co-op. For example, user BostonBrandToots lets his wife do the side quests and visit shrines while he takes care of other tasks.
Other players report that their partners pre-level the characters so much that they have to catch up themselves first. Presumably, the MeinMMO guide would help them, with which they could catch up quickly: Diablo 4: Level up quickly – Guide up to level 100