Man from Skellefteå had earplugs on theory test – arrested by police

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Before starting a theory test, you need to certify that you will not use unauthorized aids on your honor and conscience. Despite this, the man wrote the test with an earpiece in one ear.

The traffic inspector who was in charge of the test at the time quickly suspected that something was wrong – the man looked nervous and didn’t even seem to read the questions.

– Using earphones is the latest in cheating on theory tests, says the traffic inspector in police interrogation.

When the traffic inspector saw that the man was putting something in one of his ears, the police were called.
– I see how he takes a small earphone out of his left ear. I see that he is holding it in his hand and I feel that he wants to hide it from me, the police said later during the interrogation.

Driving a car without a license

In the interrogation, the man admits that he tried to cheat and that he would find out the correct answers with the help of the earphone.
– I had received information that there is a person who helps with the test, and he called me and we talked to each other, he says.
He didn’t get a driver’s license either – but nevertheless drove a car a couple of weeks later. He is now also charged with illegal driving.

At the beginning of February, a man from the southern part of the county was convicted of the same crime, gross false declaration. The man was also exposed with an earpiece when he was to write the theory part of the driver’s license. He was sentenced to a suspended sentence and ordered to pay SEK 8,000 in daily fines.
