Man died after delayed sampling

Man died after delayed sampling
full screen A man died after his test results were ignored. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A man died after his test results were not noticed by the healthcare staff, according to Region Skåne, which has now reported itself according to lex Maria.

The man, who was in his 70s, sought emergency care at Skåne University Hospital in July last year due to breathing problems.

His condition was assessed as stable and he was given a lower priority level. His blood test taken after half an hour could show that the man had heart muscle damage, but the test result was not checked by responsible staff.

After five hours, the man’s condition deteriorated sharply and new tests showed he had a heart attack and progressive heart failure.

He later died in the aftermath of a heart attack with worsening heart failure.

“An earlier handling of the patient could possibly have avoided the acute deterioration and possibly also the outcome with the patient’s death,” the region writes in its lex Maria report.

According to the report, the incident is due to heavy workload and an increased patient influx.
