Man dead in fire – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet


  • A man in his 80s has died in a fire in Sundsvall.


  • AFP: Hamas pauses ceasefire negotiations

    Hamas is reportedly suspending negotiations with Israel on a cease-fire in Gaza, reports the AFP news agency.

    The announcement comes the day after about 70 people were killed and several hundred injured in an Israeli attack on southern Gaza.

  • Nightclub wrestling match – used fake ID

    A young man is suspected of having used a false document when visiting a pub in Västerås.

    The man was arrested by a security guard when he tried to enter the club by giving the identity of another person.

    In connection with the arrest, a minor wrestling match occurred, the police announce.

    The young man, who is under 18, is suspected of using a false document and he is taken home and handed over to guardians.

  • Severe assault at campsite – woman to hospital

    A man has been arrested on suspicion of extremely serious assault after attacking a woman at a campsite in Västerås.

    Several police officers alerted the campsite and after a short search were able to find the man.

    The woman was taken to hospital and her condition is unknown, the police say.

  • Many affected by flooding

    Extensive rain has caused flooding in several places in Östergötland.

    Above all, the municipalities of Linköping, Motala and Mjölby have been affected, according to the rescue service, which received many alarms during Saturday evening and the night before Sunday.

    – It has been a struggle. Many have gotten water into basements and such, says Niklas Nyrén at the rescue service in Östergötland.

    – We’ve been out all night and now people who didn’t notice anything during the night are starting to wake up, so we’re getting a lot of calls now, he adds.

    According to the rescue service, Mantorp in Mjölby municipality is one of the worst hit towns. Whole neighborhoods have had water up to knee height and the water has entered many properties.

    Although the rain appears to have subsided on Sunday morning, there is still a lot of water in stormwater wells and on the grounds, which means that the rescue service expects continued high pressure during the day.

  • Car fire – may have been arson

    A car was set on fire on Järnvägsgatan in Falköping around 4:30 last night.

    Police and emergency services went to the scene.

    The fire is reported as vandalism as it may have been started.

  • Fire in villa – one to hospital

    A villa has burned down outside Sundsvall.

    A person who was in the villa is taken to medical care by ambulance.

    The cause of the fire is being investigated and the site is cordoned off for a technical examination.

    The text is updated.

  • Bollkalle got an object in his head

    A 10-year-old boy who was the ball boy during a football match in Uppsala has had an object thrown at him.

    It is believed to be a glass bottle that hit the boy in the head.

    The incident occurred on Saturday evening. The boy was not seriously injured.

  • Man stabbed in the stomach

    The police have received several calls about an injured man in Gottsunda in Uppsala on Saturday evening.

    It turned out that a man had been stabbed in the stomach.

    A woman was later arrested on suspicion of the crime. The man was taken to hospital by ambulance.

  • Burglary in gold shop

    The police received an alarm at 03:00 about several break-ins in Gnesta, write Sörmland News.

    The police stopped burglars who had both attempted and completed burglaries in Gnesta.

    One of the shops should be a gold shop.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, it is a Synsam store in Trosa.

    There are arrests in the case, according to information.

    The crimes are being investigated as attempted grand theft and theft by burglary.

  • Care missed cancer – patient died

    One patient died after healthcare did not detect cancer in time. Archive photography Photo: Anna Tärnhuvud/TT

    Despite repeated care visits over three years, a health center and women’s clinic in Skellefteå did not discover in time that a patient had cancer, Norran reports.

    The patient sought treatment for, among other things, stomach pain, weight loss, changed stools and iron deficiency. In response, the patient was told that the iron deficiency was due to heavy periods.

    When the care finally gave the correct diagnosis, the cancer had spread so much that the patient could not be cured and later died as a result of the disease.

  • Gunshot-like sounds during Trump’s speech

    Sounds like gunshots were heard in the middle of Donald Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania.

    The ex-president was asked to lie down as Secret Service agents rushed in.

    The Trumps then stood up and waved to the crowd. He was taken away in a black car.

    Read more here.

  • Man shot – one arrested

    Police action in central Helsingborg Photo: Mikael Nilsson

    A 25-year-old man has been shot in Helsingborg.

    – He has been shot with an unknown weapon. We have cordoned off the scene, says the police officer on duty, Ulrika Olsson.

    The man has been taken to hospital, but is said to be awake and able to speak.

    A 35-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of the shooting.

    Read more in Aftonbladet’s article.

  • One person to hospital after apartment fire

    There has been a fire in an apartment in Sollentuna municipality.

    The alarm came in at 8:30 p.m.

    – One person has been taken to hospital, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the police.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    The emergency services have been on site and extinguished the fire.

  • Death toll rises after Israeli attack

    The death toll rises in Gaza after the Israeli attack in Khan Yunis.

    90 people have died and at least 290 people have been injured, reports Reuters.

    The attack hit buildings and tents where civilians sought shelter.

    Read more here.

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  • If inflation is going down, why aren’t food prices going down? It’s still surreptitiously raised!


    Hello! Food prices fell slightly overall in June, after a long period of increases – although it varies widely between different food items. Some goods become cheaper while others become more expensive. Lettuce, honeydew melon and canned herring, for example, became cheaper in the last month.

  • What happened to the British teenager who went missing in Greece?

    Johan Larsson

    Hello! Wondering if you might be thinking about Jay Slater who is missing on Tenriffa? Search efforts ended last week but he has yet to be found.

  • You haven’t written anything about the “murder” in Tollarp the night before Friday?


    We absolutely did, we were also on site in Tollarp yesterday. You can read about it here, here and here.

  • Is there no positive, fun or sunny news?


    Of course there is!

    Here you can read about Vanessa Kamga who broke a new Swedish record.

    Here you can read about Jonna Jumisko who, after living a double life, is now “100% Jonna”.

    Here you can come along to the Summer Meet in Västerås and see what the motorfest has to offer.

  • Which electoral system is the most fair, our Swedish, the English, the USA or the French. Got curious in these times.

    Bengt Gustavsson

    Good question Bengt! And it’s probably not something I can answer, but a big difference between Sweden and the USA is that election day here is always a holiday, which at least makes it possible for more people to vote without having to take time off (if you don’t vote early then).

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