Man dead after head-on collision in Småland

Man dead after head on collision in Smaland

Published: Just now

fullscreen A minibus and a car collided head-on between Påskallavik and Oskarshamn on Tuesday. A man died. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A man has died after a collision between a minibus and a car in Småland, local media reports. The accident happened at lunchtime on Tuesday between Påskallavik and Oskarshamn.

– It is a passenger car and a minibus that collided head-on, rescue services and an ambulance are on the scene, said Viktoria Björkman at the security and emergency center in Kalmar to the Barometern.

Two more people were taken to hospital after the accident, one of whom was initially admitted to the intensive care unit. According to Region Kalmar, his condition has stabilized. A woman was slightly injured.
