Man cut in the throat in Akalla


  • Man cut in the throat in Akalla

    The police were called to Akalla on Tuesday night after a man suffered a serious cut in the throat.

    He has been taken to hospital in an ambulance.

    His injuries are not life-threatening.

    The incident is being investigated as attempted murder


  • Traffic accident in Borås – moose dead

    A car has run into a moose bull in Borås, at the height of Målsryd.

    – One person has been taken to hospital but the person is awake and able to speak, says Niklas Ignell, officer on duty at Södra Älvsborg’s rescue service association.

    The moose died on the spot and the situation no longer has any major impact on traffic.

  • The year’s first lobster sold: “It will be a luxurious dinner”

    Today, the first lobster of the year was clubbed at Gothenburg’s fishing auction, reports GP.

    The bill landed at SEK 51,000 per kilo. A substantial price increase compared to the last two years. In 2023, the first lobster was sold for SEK 44,000 per kilo and in 2022 the price per kilo landed at SEK 7,000.

    The winner was Mikael Sjövall at Sweden Seafood and the premiere lobsters will be drawn among the employees later in the day.

    – It will be a luxurious dinner, he says to GP.

  • Disruptions in train traffic between Uppsala and Södertälje

    During Tuesday morning there have been disturbances in the commuter train traffic between Uppsala and Södertälje, reports P4 Uppland.

    It has been caused, among other things, by a switch failure at Södertälje harbour.

    There is no forecast for when traffic can flow as usual again.

  • Norwegian Swish comes to Sweden

    The Norwegian equivalent of Swish, called Vipps, has been launched in Sweden.

    In June, Vipps made it possible to “swish” between Denmark, Norway and Finland, since the Nordic Swish counterparts – Mobilepay in Finland and Denmark and Norwegian Vipps – were merged.

    Now it is also possible to use the app in Sweden. But the service is not supported by all Swedish banks.

    In order to be able to receive money from a Vipps or MobilePay user in Sweden, the Swedish user’s bank must support the service. Currently, the service is not supported by Swedbank, Handelsbanken, Länsförsäkringar, OKQ8, Klarna or Ikano Bank.

  • Fire in restaurant in Vagnhärad

    Photo: Pontus Stenberg

    During the night, the emergency services were alerted to a fire in Vagnhärad.

    – There is a fire in a restaurant, it is a large building with several businesses. The fire has spread through the roof, but the extinguishing work is going quite well, says Anders Hägglund, duty officer of the Södertörn Rescue Service.

    The forecast for the extinguishing work is at least three hours.

    Read more here.

  • Mpox confirmed in new country

    The first case of the new variant of the disease mpox – called clade 1b – has been discovered in India, writes Reuters with reference to the country’s Ministry of Commerce.

    The victim is said to be a 38-year-old man who traveled from the United Arab Emirates. As a result of the discovery, he was admitted to hospital and several of his relatives, as well as the fellow passengers on the flight, have been kept under observation.

    In August, both Sweden and Thailand each discovered a case of type 1.

  • Collision with wild boar – one to hospital

    A car collided with a wild boar on road 47 outside Oskarshamn shortly after midnight.

    The accident occurred at the height of Forshult and one person was taken to hospital with unclear injuries, writes the Barometer.

    The road was closed for just under an hour after the collision.

  • Explosion in residential area

    An explosion occurred in a car next to a villa in Nynäshamn during the night towards Tuesday.

    Police and emergency services received the first of several calls at 00:28.

    – There are no personal injuries or damage to any building. We are investigating what caused the detonation and have started a preliminary investigation into public danger, says Helena Boström Thomas, press spokesperson at the police’s regional command center.

  • The US does not want to see Israel enter Lebanon

    The United States is dissuading Israel from any plans to enter Lebanon and says it has concrete ideas for a solution to the crisis, according to a senior US government source.

    – We have some concrete ideas that we will discuss with our allies and partners this week in order to find a viable path, says the government source according to AFP, referring to the fact that leaders from the world’s countries are in the United States for a meeting in the UN General Assembly.

    The highest priority is to quickly find something that can prevent further escalation in the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel.

  • Hamas: Commander killed in Lebanon

    A commander of Hamas’ ground forces in southern Lebanon, Mahmoud al-Nader, has been killed in Israel’s attacks on Lebanon on Monday.

    This is stated by the terrorist organization, according to Jerusalem Post.

  • Suspected dangerous object submitted to police station

    The police cordoned off a place adjacent to the police station in Sundsvall after a suspicious object was handed in by private individuals.

    The item is said to have been found in a garbage room on Monday evening.

    – We do not know what it is yet, therefore it is being handled as a suspected dangerous object, says Elisabeth Glaas, press spokesperson at the police.

    After an assessment by the police’s bomb technicians, the object could be moved from the scene and the cordons lifted.

    The item is said to be pyrotechnics, writes Sundsvall’s newspaper.

    – If you suspect that something is dangerous, it is better to be careful and maybe take a picture and send it to the police, says Elisabeth Glaas.

    There is currently no criminal suspicion.

  • Man found injured by car accident – taken to hospital

    A man has been found injured in Kungsmarken in Karlskrona.

    According to initial information, the man must have been injured with a sharp knife.

    The man has been taken to hospital. There is no information on the state of the damage.

    The place is cordoned off by the police.

    The incident is classified as attempted murder.

    No one is arrested.

  • Teenage girl hit by car – taken to hospital

    A girl in her early teens has been hit by a car in Ljungby.

    The pocket has been taken to hospital. The extent of the damage is unclear.

    The incident is being investigated by the police, who have filed a report of causing bodily harm.

  • One person found injured – taken to hospital

    A person has been found injured outdoors in Söderhamn.

    The police are on the scene and are investigating what happened.

    – We have found a person injured by a possible sharp object and the person has been taken to an ambulance and hospital, says police spokesperson Magnus Jansson Klarin.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    – Right now we have no information that anyone has been arrested. We don’t know exactly what has happened either, says Magnus Jansson Klarin.

    Just before 10 p.m., the police state that a man in his 30s has been arrested.

    The incident is being investigated as aggravated assault.

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