Man convicted of rape was deported – for four days

Man convicted of rape was deported for four days
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full screen A man convicted of aggravated rape and kidnapping was deported in December 2022 – but was back in Sweden four days later. Archive image. Photo: Tim Aro/TT

In 2017, a man was sentenced to prison and deportation for aggravated rape and kidnapping in Malmö.

It wasn’t until five years later that the deportation was enforced – but after four days he was back in Sweden, according to an investigation by SVT Nyheter Skåne.

In April 2017, the police task force freed a woman who had been kidnapped and raped in a degrading manner in a basement in Malmö. In October of the same year, a man was sentenced to prison and deportation to Syria for, among other things, kidnapping and aggravated rape of the woman.

However, the deportation dragged on for several years because the man opposed the decision, while suitable trips to Syria could not be found. In autumn 2021, the man was arrested on suspicion of new crimes and put in custody.

When the man was finally put on a plane to Damascus in December 2022, he deviated during the stopover in Istanbul and was caught trying to enter the EU with fake ID documents. According to the airport, he was considered Sweden’s responsibility – and after four days he was sent back to Arlanda.

According to the man himself, he had no other option than to get out of the airport with a fake passport, as he had not received valid tickets for the entire journey – an explanation that the police do not buy.

The man, who is again in custody, now says he wants to leave Sweden and the border police plan to have the deportation carried out shortly.
