An employee of a printing company is said to have used his job to swipe countless rare Pokémon cards. However, when he wants to turn his loot into money, he behaves so clumsily that the theft is exposed.
What are these cards? The cards were rare cards from the “Fusion Strike” set, which was sold in German under the name “Fusions attack”. Fans had long lamented the unusually low odds of drawing certain cards.
Now a possible reason for this has been found, because an employee of a printing company in America is said to have inserted thousands of cards at work.
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How was the theft discovered? The alleged thief made a crucial mistake: instead of selling the tickets one by one, he wanted to get rid of his entire loot in one fell swoop. So he contacted Trading Card World, a trading card store, and asked if they were interested in rare cards from the Fusion Assault set.
These were rare foil cards from Trainers and Pokémon like Psiana and Mew. A single card can be worth upwards of $100. It’s not clear how many the man stole, but according to a picture posted to a Facebook group, there were thousands.
The Facebook post has since been deleted, but we included a Reddit post for you showing the loot:
How did the store staff react? They were immediately suspicious given the amount of rare cards. For them there were only two options: the cards must be fake or stolen.
When asked, the potential seller is said to have finally admitted that he works in a printing shop for Pokémon cards. Trading Card World employees immediately contacted the Pokémon Company, which investigated the matter.
How did it all end? As reported by the PC Gamer site, the cards were secured and the police are investigating the alleged thief. A statement from Trading Card World said it was the largest stolen property return in trading card game history.
The stolen Pokémon cards were already rare, but a Magic the Gathering trading card tops that: it’s meant to be printed only once. Even before the release, collectors are trying to get their hands on the unique card and are offering a lot of money for it:
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