Man arrested by police on suspicion of aggravated weapons offence

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The police state that the background to the arrest is the strategic work against serious crime.

– We have worked up a basis for investigation and have carried out a house search during the morning. In connection with that, weapons were found that have to do with the crime classification and a man in his 20s has been arrested, says Anders Dahlman, press officer at the police region Bergslagen.

Arrested by prosecutors after questioning

The preliminary investigation is led by prosecutors who, after initial questioning, decided to arrest the man on probable grounds, that is, the higher degree of suspicion. It is unclear how the man himself reacts to the accusations.

– Local technicians are working to secure the weapon and it will be sent to the national forensic center for test firing, says Dahlman.

He does not want to comment on whether the case has any connection to the shooting in Oxhagen on Easter Sunday.
