Malmö live invests in years of health

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Malmö Live collaborates during the year with, among other things, Region Skåne’s primary care and association life. The purpose? Bringing health and music for “soul and heart” into the program.

Within the framework of the year of health that is now starting, the “Ålevangeliet” – a newly written oratorio based on Patrik Svensson’s August award-winning story about the eel – is held, among other things. In addition, morning concerts will be held where visitors will have an opportunity for a quiet start with atmospheric music in the morning, as well as choral singing for those with mental illness who are in contact with care.

“Research shows that choral singing has a positive impact on us humans based on both spiritual, emotional, social and physical aspects. Choir singing for well-being is not about getting good at singing, but the focus is on having fun together,” says Anita Jensen, culture and health strategist at Primary Care Region Skåne in a press release by Malmö Live.

During the year of health, the audience will find places to relax and meditate on the balconies of the concert hall. There, the visitor can choose between sitting in privacy or lying down during performances.
