Malika Rahal, the conquest of Arabic

Malika Rahal the conquest of Arabic

She is an obsessive historian. Dixit Malika Rahal. An obsessive man who walks through drawers, cupboards, alleys, chapels, archives, passageways.

In his dictionary of life, there are multiple skies (French, American, Algerian), objects of study that France and Algeria have put under the carpet, like Ferhat Abbas or Ali Boumendjel or even totems like the Queen Pharaoh Hatshepsut or the American Indian Black Elk. Researcher at the CNRS where she is preparing to lead theInstitute for the History of Present Time, she also has a sense of anticipation since before the slew of commemorations that will fall on us, she publishes at Editions La Découverte Algeria 1962, a popular history

Malika Rahal’s musical choices

Oum Lik

Bruce springsteen Erie Canal

Freeklane Lalla Mira

