Mali announces that it has paid its debts

Mali announces that it has paid its debts

A little over a month after the lifting of economic and financial sanctions that weighed on Mali, the authorities have announced that they are paying their debts. They were thus able to raise 270 billion CFA francs on the markets of the region, an announcement made in an official communication from the Minister of the Economy.

This notice is addressed to investors and technical and financial partners… Mali has the honor to inform them that ” all of Mali’s debt arrears have been settled “, specifies the document.

Alousséni Sanou, Minister of the Economy, details the sums thus paid: 85 billion for the external debt, 66 billion for the market debt and 65 billion for part of the market debt issued by auction, not including interest of delay amounting to more than 13 billion FCFA.

For this, a special issue of bills and bonds was carried out by the Malian Treasury, at the beginning of the week, up to ” 215 billion CFA francs “, specifies the minister, that is to say nearly 330 million euros, an operation which bore its fruits. ” Mali wins the regional bond market », titled Young Africa after the successful completion of the financial transaction.

Read also: The Malian economy reorients itself in the face of sanctions and payment defaults

If the authorities say they regret the ” damages suffered by investors and technical and financial partners due to unpaid bills they are also delighted with their constant support.
