Malcolm in the Middle is an iconic TV series that shows the everyday life of a rather unusual family. The series focuses on Malcom, played by Frankie Muniz. But filming wasn’t always good, as Muniz revealed.
What is Malcolm in the Middle? The TV series ran from 2000 to 2006 and has 7 seasons. Here, the series was mainly shown on Pro7 and was an important part of the lunchtime program for a long time. The focus of the series is one thing above all: chaos.
The great thing about Malcolm in the Middle was the many arguments and the personalities of the family members. Despite all of this, there was always heart in the series and a likeable family structure.
All of this was always commented on by Malcom, played by Frankie Muniz. But there were also problems on the set of the likeable series, which is why he says he hardly appears in two episodes. If you are looking for more series like this, this list is worth it:
You can find the trailer for the first season here: 5 series like Married with Children
Muniz left the set in protest
Muniz gives a glimpse behind the scenesEarlier this year, Frankie Muniz took part in the Australian version of I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here. There he also spoke about Malcolm in the Middle and a moment when he simply walked off the set, as reports.
He explains that he simply walked off the set because of the behavior of crew members. However, he doesn’t mention who exactly he means. Another thing that upset him at that point was that others couldn’t stand up for themselves.
Everyone was so afraid to speak up when certain people were controlling, rude, or disrespectful that they felt like they were walking on pins and needles.
Frankie Muniz on unknown crew members (Source:
According to his own statement, he didn’t care if he would lose the role, but because he was the leading actor, he could afford it.
In which episodes does Malcolm not appear? The interesting thing about his story is that it is unclear which episodes he is referring to. In the 17th episode of the 4th season, it is known that he does not appear, only in flashbacks. These consist of old clips.
The second episode, in which he does not appear, is unclear. However, it is possible that scenes for certain episodes were not filmed on just one day and he only meant two days of filming in his protest.
Muniz doesn’t think much of Hollywood, as he revealed in an interview with Despite his success at the time, he remained down to earth and hated LA, especially because he couldn’t just go to the supermarket there.
After Malcolm in the Middle, he tried his hand at other productions, but only played small roles in films or individual episodes of series. For a while, he was even a racing driver. Two and a Half Men is also a series that is associated with Pro7 in Germany, but there were completely different problems there: After Two and a Half Men, “Alan” would not make any more series with Charlie Sheen.