Malcolm In the Middle star Frankie Muniz is getting his own series, but you’ll never guess what it’s about

Malcolm In the Middle star Frankie Muniz is getting his

Frankie Muniz will be a household name for most people because of Malcolm in the Middle or Agent Cody Banks. What many don’t know, however, is that he has an even greater passion than acting. He now wants to have his fast-paced sport accompanied by a documentary series.

Malcolm right in the middle actor Frankie Muniz can be accompanied in his new job

This is about racing, more precisely about Car racing with touring cars. Muniz has been an amateur racing driver for over 15 years, and the Malcolm in the middle star has recently turned his passion into a career. A camera team is now to accompany him.

According to a report by the trusted industry site Hollywood Reporter the actor will have his beginnings as a professional racing driver documented, who is now driving in a series of the American motorsport association NASCAR. The format will have the working title Frankie in the Fast Lane.

When is Malcolm in the Middle star Frankie Muniz’s new series coming to us?

Whether and when the documentary series will come to Germany cannot be estimated at the moment. Looking at the state of production, we might consider a release end of 2024 imagine.

Podcast: The 20 Best Series Launches of January on Netflix, Disney+ and More

Need more fresh streaming tips? The most exciting series that you can stream in January on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more can be found here in the monthly preview:

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