Chatham twins Kat and Karissa Strain have had success in the film industry, which they are planning to reboot by shooting a feature film on their lives growing up in their hometown.
Initially discovered as teens during a talent search that came to Chatham in 2003, the Strain sisters, at 23, played mean girl twins Nikki and Lizzy in the 2013 remake of the horror classic Carrie.
Their most recent film was starring in another horror movie titled Twinsanity released in 2018 about betrayal between twin sisters.
The Strain sisters moved back to Chatham a few years ago and got into real estate, but their dream of working in the entertainment business has expanded to not only include acting, but directing and producing feature films.
They have created Sisters Strain Films dedicated to making films that highlight the female experience.
Kat said they have written four feature films they’ve been pitching after realizing “writing is a bigger passion for us and we wanted to tell our own stories as filmmakers.”
She said they have been pushing a horror film they’ve written, which received a good response at the last year’s Frontières Market, a genre-focused event that connects filmmakers with international distribution companies, producers and financiers.
However, the twins ran into some apprehension from those in the industry, because their experience producing movies is limited to short films, which don’t require the major budget needed for a feature film. The advice they received was to find some funding to shoot a feature film that shows what they can do behind the camera.
The Strain sisters have taken this to heart and are preparing to shoot a feature film in Chatham this August they will produce, direct and in which they will play the leading roles.
The working title for the film is Call of the Blackbird, which they say is inspired by the blackbirds that fly around a pond near their home in Chatham. The film will tell a fictional story based on them returning home from Los Angles, living with their parents, selling real estate and starting to work as writers.
“Girls coming back to Chatham and telling our Chatham story is what feels really important to us right now and we’d like to share that with the community and to get people on board to support us,” said Karissa.
“This film would kind of be our calling card,” she said. “If anyone has questions about who we are as artists, they will know after this film.”
Kat said the film also will feature a soundtrack of all original songs they have written as well as their poetry.
“This one is exciting, because it’s our baby, it’s our passion piece,” Kat said. “For our first feature we get to do just everything we want, exactly the way we want to.”
The twins admitted feeling down and defeated initially when moving back to Chatham from Los Angeles a few years ago.
“We were eager to leave Chatham at 17, because we had these big dreams and we thought we had to go to Toronto and Los Angeles in order to get those dreams,” Karissa said
She added coming back home, they have learned “opportunities are limitless and it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, it just matters how badly you want something.”
The Strain sisters are calling on the community to get involved in their project from participation to offering locations and any kind of sponsorship local businesses are willing to offer.
They said Mayor Darrin Canniff, with whom they met to talk about their film plans, will have a part in the film as himself. The owners of The Studio Sisters in Chatham have agreed to provide a location and be in one of the scenes, they said.
The film also will feature family members and friends.
There are few roles and extras needed for some scenes. They also need to find people who want to work behind the scenes.
The Strain sisters welcome anyone, particularly young people, to get involved.
Filming will take place during 10 to 14 days in August and they hope to have it ready for the 2024 fall film festival season.
They can be reached at [email protected] and on Instagram @sistersstrain.
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