Makes the liver sparkling, accelerates weight loss! Amazing liver detox

Makes the liver sparkling accelerates weight loss Amazing liver detox

Especially those who live in city life, we take in more toxins than the body can remove. Preservatives and colorants in foods, polluted air, fuel, car odor, etc. all kinds of odors, cigarettes, stain removers, dry cleaning drugs, bad bacteria in our intestines, etc. We are exposed to toxins every day.

Fatigue, headache and muscle pain, intestinal problems, inability to lose weight and easy weight gain, edema and bloating may indicate the accumulation of toxins.


For liver detox, Brasika vegetables such as white and black cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, spinach, turnip and Allium Allicin family vegetables garlic and onion group are full support. In addition, celery, artichoke, thistle, beet are very important vegetables for liver health.

In intestinal detox, it is very important that the internal environment of the intestine, namely the richness of probiotics (good bacteria) and the healthy intestinal wall. It is very valuable to include foods such as kefir, kombucha, perga (bee bread) rich in probiotic bacteria in our diet, to consume MCT oils such as marrow bone broth, fish oil and coconut to support collagen production, and to use spices such as turmeric. In addition, consumption of vegetables and fruits, legumes and whole grains is important to increase fiber and antioxidants.


We can do a liver detox or intestinal detox where vegetables, fruits and spices come together with the right combination. While preparing our body to lose fat more easily, it also helps us to get rid of edema and swelling caused by toxins. The most important thing for a healthy life is to maintain a healthy diet, and you should continue to eat healthy after the detox.
