Maker found the idea “really stupid” and now wants to shoot I Am Legend 2

Maker found the idea really stupid and now wants to

A sequel to the sci-fi hit I Am Legend was surprisingly announced recently. Will Smith will return. And the director’s chair could also go to an old acquaintance: Part 1 maker Francis Lawrence is already involved in the project. Though he initially dismissed the idea of ​​I Am Legend 2.

I Am Legend creator Francis Lawrence thought the idea of ​​part 2 was totally stupid

He now revealed this to

I spoke to I Am Legend 2 author Akiva Goldsman and would like to do the film. I’ve heard a few things about it. But I was sworn to absolute silence.

These are clearly different tones than a few years ago. On the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Lawrence explained that he turned down the sequel offer right after the first movie came out.

We made a story about the last man on earth and he died. We can’t repeat that, I said at the time. A prequel would have felt forced. And a sequel would only work without either [Will Smiths Figur] or with a really stupid idea. Like “scientists copied his DNA and somehow reanimated him.” I wasn’t in the mood for that.

Lawrence’s new ambition suggests that I Am Legend 2 is now is equipped with a much better basic idea. However, it is not yet known exactly what it looks like. Other details about the film are also completely missing.

When will the sci-fi hit I Am Legend 2 with Will Smith be in cinemas?

Unfortunately, this also applies to the start date. Based on the current state of production, we calculate not before the end of 2023 with a publication. In addition to Smith, Michael B. Jordan is said to be in front of the camera.

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Before the streaming year ends, we bring you another 10 upcoming titles we’re most excited about in 2022.

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This installment of the Moviepilot podcast Streamgegeför talks about Guillermo del Toro’s dark new version of Pinocchio, the Will Smith comeback Emancipation, the Knives Out sequel Glass Onion with Daniel Craig and the horror hype Barbarian, among other things.

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Should Francis Lawrence also film I Am Legend 2?
