Make an anti-tartar oil yourself

Make an anti tartar oil yourself

To regain soft and supple skin, do this SOS treatment yourself. This anti-tartar oil improves the condition of those small, dry, scaly patches.

To achieve this homemade treatment that you can apply on the body as on the face, you only need two ingredients: a bottle of essential oil rose geranium with antifungal and healing properties, and calendula vegetable oil, anti-inflammatory and soothing.

On the same subject

The anti-tartar oil recipe

Mix, with the tip of the index finger in the palm of the hand:

• 2 drops of essential oil of rose geranium

• 2 drops of calendula vegetable oil

How to use it

  • Apply to the scabs, whether they are on the face or on the body, massaging lightly until the material is fully absorbed.
  • Repeat this gesture once or twice a day, until symptoms improve.
  • This treatment is for single use. It does not keep.
  • Attention, do not use this treatment during pregnancy, in case of breastfeeding or on children under 3 years old.

Nutrition side

To fight against skin dryness, boost your diet with essential fatty acids and in particular omega-3 (oily fish, rapeseed oils, flax, walnuts …). To help you, here are some recipes with a tin of sardines and recipes with a can of tuna.

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