Major police operation in Skarpnäck – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet

Major police operation in Skarpnack Latest news fast


  • Large police effort in Skarpnäck

    Police on site in Skarpnäck. Photo: Aftonbladet

    Right now, the police have a large operation in Skarpnäck in southern Stockholm.

    Patrol on site has cordoned off an area.

    Aftonbladet is looking for the police.


  • Big fire in Kungsängen

    Huge flames at the workshop. Photo: David Spak

    A fire has broken out in a car workshop in Kungsängen in Upplands-Bro municipality.

    The rescue service is on site with several forces.

    – It is a fully developed fire, says rescue service management operator Marie Nordahl.

    There is no information that anyone has been injured.

  • Three detained in Finland on suspicion of terrorism

    Three men have been detained in Finland, suspected of terrorist offences, after being arrested last week. Archive image. Photo: Jussi Nukari/AP/TT

    Three men have been detained in Helsinki on suspicion of terrorist offences, according to the Central Criminal Police of Finland.

    The police confirm to Hufvudstadsbladet that the three are suspected of having participated in the activities of the terrorist group IS.

    It has not emerged that the trio, who were arrested last week, would have prepared a terrorist act against Finland. According to the district court documents, the crimes took place between January 1 last year and June 10 this year in Helsinki.

    The police are tight-lipped about what the men are suspected of having done. The Swedish Security Service, Finland’s equivalent of Säpo, has been involved. The police are also cooperating internationally with the case.

    The criminal classification is unusual in Finland, writes HBL.

  • The Dane of Horror is dead

    Peter Frederiksen hides under a towel during a hearing in court. Photo: ANTHON UNGER / EXTRA SHEET

    Peter Frederiksen has died in a South African prison, reports Ekstrabladet.

    The horror Dane, who had a freezer full of severed genitalia from women, was 72 years old.

    The Dane was convicted of assaulting women at home in his own double bed.

    Read more here.

  • Kristersson cancels due to bad weather

    Due to the floods in Eastern and Central Europe, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and Migration Minister Johan Forssell cancel their planned trip to Vienna. The government announces this in a press release.

    They were actually supposed to have met Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner on Thursday to discuss migration policy.

  • Serious violent crime in Uppsala

    The police are investigating a serious crime in central Uppsala.

    At the moment, they do not want to say what it is about, but on their website the police write that they are interviewing witnesses and securing leads.

    – There is no information that anyone is injured at the moment, says Tobias Ahlén-Svalbro, press spokesperson for police region Mitt.

    Police are appealing for tips from the public about the “incident”.

    The witnesses who UNT spoke to states that several bangs were heard.

    “Several bangs were heard, people ran and then police cars came,” says one person to UNT.

  • Power cuts in the subway – trains are stuck

    Picture from the train standing still in the tunnel. Photo: Reader image

    The subway’s green line is at a standstill after a power outage.

    A train is stuck in a tunnel between the T-central and Gamla stan.

    SL initially stated that the passengers on the train would be evacuated onto the track.

    But a few minutes later, it was announced that traffic was running again.

  • Officer fired – convicted of child pornography offence

    An officer convicted of offensive photography and child pornography offenses is fired. Stock photography Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

    An officer at a regiment in Norrbotten is dismissed. The man has been sentenced for offensive photography of three colleagues and for child pornography offences, reports Norrbottens-Kuriren and Norrländska Socialdemokraten.

    The man had photographed female colleagues on several occasions without their knowledge.

    During a search of his mobile phones and a computer, roughly 5,000 images were found that could be classified as child pornography. Of these, nearly 500 were judged to be particularly reckless abuse material.

    The district court convicted the man for the offending photography and for child pornography offences. He was sentenced to a suspended sentence and daily fines.

    After the verdict, the regimental commander sent a notice to the Swedish Armed Forces’ personnel responsibility board that the man would be fired, reports SVT Nyheter Norrbotten. Now the committee has decided that it will be so.

    The man has appealed the district court’s verdict.

  • Four cars in collision – seven people injured

    Four cars have collided on the E6 in the northbound direction at the height of Bäckebol in Gothenburg.

    Seven people are involved in the accident.

    – The road is closed and we are diverting via the counter, says Bosse Florell at the rescue service.

    Ambulance and emergency services have been called to the scene.

    – No one should have had to be taken to hospital, says SOS Alarm’s line operator Ola Nilsson GP.

  • Mc in accident – teenage boy to hospital

    A car and a motorcycle have collided in Uppsala.

    The motorcyclist, a teenage boy, has been taken to hospital.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    The accident happened at 12 o’clock on Monday.

    – It must have happened in connection with the motorist making a left turn at the intersection, says police spokesperson Tobias Ahlén-Svalbro to Uppsala Nya Tidning.

  • Swedish embassies warn – of extreme weather

    Swedish embassies in Central Europe are warning and have updated their travel advice for Swedish travelers in countries affected by the heavy rain.

    Among other things, the embassy in Slovakia urges Swedish citizens to be careful if they travel to the country.

    “Follow any instructions and advice from local authorities,” the embassy continues on its website.

    Sweden’s embassies in Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria also warn of extreme weather.

    The information on travel advice and local warnings has been compiled on the website, which is a website where authorities provide information in connection with crises or serious events.

  • Ryan Wesley Routh in court

    Photo: The police

    Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, has arrived in court in Florida, CNN reports.

    With shackled hands and feet, he was escorted to his place.

    The prosecutor has so far not announced the charges against him.

  • Biden: Political violence does not belong in the United States

    US President Joe Biden. Photo: Mark Schiefelbein/AP/TT

    Political violence has no place in the United States.

    This is what President Joe Biden says during a speech in Pennsylvania on Monday.

    Biden praises the actions of the Secret Service during the assassination attempt against Donald Trump and says that the work of the security forces saved his life.

    – In the United States, we resolve our differences peacefully at the ballot box, not by pointing gun barrels at each other, he says according to the BBC.

    – Political violence does not belong in the United States. Not at all, in no way, never.

    On his way to Pennsylvania, Biden said the Secret Service needs more staff to carry out its duties.

    – I believe that Congress must meet these needs, Biden said, adding “thank God the president is okay.”

    The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican Mike Johnson, is also demanding that Congress do more to protect Trump.

    – He is the most attacked, the most threatened (president), maybe even more now than when he was in the White House. We demand that he get greater protection, says Johnson.

    Immediately after the assassination attempt on Trump’s golf course in Florida was averted, it was found that the Secret Service did not have the opportunity to cordon off the entire area around the golf facility, which would have happened if Trump had been president.

  • Portugal asks for help as forests burn

    Forest fires that cause devastated areas hit Portugal with recurring intensity. Archive image. Photo: Francisco Seco/AP/TT

    Portugal is appealing for European help to fight the forest fires raging in the country. A number of fires broke out over the weekend, mainly in the Aveiro region, forcing the population to flee their homes.

    Around 2,300 people are fighting the fires, which are estimated to be around 20 in number. One firefighter has died, a further twelve firefighters have been injured in the operations, two of them seriously.

    Portugal has the resources to fight forest and grass fires; the country has around 30 aircraft and helicopters that can waterbomb fires. Lisbon nevertheless turned to Paris, London and Madrid for further assistance. France announces that two extinguishing planes are being directed to the region.

    – The situation is not out of control, but the situation is complicated. We have a difficult day ahead of us today, and tomorrow, said André Fernandes who is responsible for the rescue work in the region south of the port city of Porto.

  • Försäkringskassan affected by IT mess

    Försäkringskassan has suffered from IT disruptions.

    – Logging into my pages is a hassle, says press spokesperson Lotta Jernström.

    Users started noticing the problems before 2pm on Monday.

    According to Lotta Jernström, there is no forecast for when the website will function as usual again.

    – It usually goes quickly, so we hope so.

    Update 16:30: The tab “My pages” works as usual again, says Lotta Jernström.

    – It was an internal error and not an external influence that caused the IT disruptions.

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