Major change on the CAF site for 6 million French people, a novelty will soon simplify the procedures

Major change on the CAF site for 6 million French

In a few days, the CAF will implement a much awaited change.

It is a salutary change for beneficiaries of aids paid by the Family Allowance Fund, CAF. The organization which distributes, depending on the means conditions, financial supplements to families most in difficulty will establish a new device in order to facilitate procedures. An evolution that is part of the global project to reduce the rate of non-recourse to social assistance.

According to figures, one in three people without income does not require active solidarity income (RSA), and half of the potential beneficiaries of the activity bonus do not touch it. To remedy this situation, CAF will change its way of doing things and it will be easier to perceive the RSA or the activity bonus.


So far, it is necessary, every three months, to connect to its personal space on the CAF site and declare the income received during the last quarter. This, to be able to continue to touch the aforementioned aid. For the activity bonus, it is therefore necessary, each time, to bring out your salary slip to find the exact amount. A simplified action from 1er March.

Indeed, on the same tax model, the CAF will now automatically pre -fulfill this form with the social net amount that the administration or the employer will have transmitted to it. Please note, the figures communicated will change compared to what is today in force: it will be necessary to check the sum mentioned on the salary slip 4, 3 and 2 months earlier, against 3, 2 and 1 month before, so far . Thus, in early March, it will be necessary to declare what was affected in November, December and January, to benefit from the RSA or the activity bonus.

However, pre-filling does not mean by automatic payment. The beneficiary must, each quarter, check the sums registered and validate them to be able to see the money be paid on the account. “You must confirm your declaration under penalty of seeing your payments suspended while waiting for its response,” said CAF to Liner.

Started a few months ago, in four departments (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Hérault, Dawn and the Alpes-Maritimes), this test phase was therefore short-lived. All CAFs will adopt this system from March 1, 2025.

However, only the current beneficiaries of CAF aid will be affected by this measure. People who have never received help will therefore not automatically receive this form indicating if they can claim a social service.
